One spirit...different gifts...different forms of service...but the same Lord!” (1Corinthians 12:4)
St. Tobias is blessed to have developed a number of meaningful works of mercy or ministries. Each of these ministries exists because of the kindness of individuals who support them with their time, talent and treasure.
Boys and girls assist the priest and serve in a special way during the celebration of the Liturgy.
Lead the congregation in singing of hymns, psalms and acclamations at Mass.
Helps the clergy distribute the Body and Blood of Christ.
Welcome the congregation as they enter church.
Guide parishioners through the Mass by reading at the Liturgy of the Word section of the Mass.
Provides offertory collection services as well as handing out bulletins and assisting with other special needs as they arise.
Prepares and delivers home cooked meals every Tuesday to those in need in our community.
Volunteers prepare and serve a brunch after the Funeral Mass.
Distribute food to those in need who are from our parish and the community.
A social gathering with a sit-down meal for parishioners who live and eat alone.
A program where volunteers will visit with those who are in personal care/nursing facilities.
If you are interested in volunteering in any of these ministries, you may complete and submit this online form.
Baptized students prepare for the Sacrament of First Reconciliation during their 2nd Grade year.
Students prepare for and receive the Holy Eucharist during the 3rd Grade year.
Confirmation preparation takes place during the 9th Grade year.