Top Reasons to Become a Catechist
- You will grow in your own faith, learn the teachings of the Church, and deepen your relationship with Jesus.
- Your Baptism calls you to share in Jesus’ ministry.
- Children, teens, and adults in today’s world, more than ever, need to hear the Good News of Jesus.
- Children, teens, and adults in today’s world, more than ever, need to encounter good role models of faith.
- You have much to share with those you’ll teach, and you’ll have opportunities to share faith with other catechists.
- Today’s catechetical textbooks/resources offer outstanding support.
- You’ll be challenged, you’ll have fun, and you’ll make new friends.
- You’ll be helping people deepen their relationship with Jesus. (You’ll be evangelizing!)
- You’ll be handing on a 2000-year-old Tradition that changes lives.
- It’s our job: Jesus sent us to “go and teach all nations.”
If you are interested in becoming a catechist, contact Tara Starr, DRE at
- Ages 3 - 6
- Sundays 10:30AM Mass
- September - May
- Grades K - 6
- Saturdays 9:00AM-10:30AM
Parish Program Jr/Sr High
- Grades 7-10
- Sundays 6:00PM-7:30PM
Parish Program
- Adults 16+
- As scheduled on Site Calendar